• When you buy from www.softland.com.sa we want you to be happy with your purchase. So if you need to return a product, get it exchanged or refunded, we want to make it as easy as possible.
  • In case of return or exchange, the product should be packed in its original packaging upon purchase along with all its accessories and user manuals.
  • We’ll offer your full refund via bank transfer for cash on delivery orders.
  • Return is within 3 days and exchange is within 7 days of date of purchase
  • Please keep all items with their complete packaging and inside packaging intact if you intend to refund any items within the conditions set out. No exchange or refund will be considered without it.
  • We will refund the amount to your card if you paid through credit or debit card. The amount paid may take up to a month to reflect in your card statement, depending on individual’s bank process. Third party charges will be deducted.
  • To benefit from Return, Exchange and Warranty services, original invoice is required.
  • All items are subject to Return and Exchange except (Books, Electronics, Software, Video Games and Prepaid Cards) unless found with a manufacturing defect
  • Item is in original packing condition
  • Offers item can be returned with the purchased item if the offers item is still in the original condition, otherwise its price will be deducted
  • Item purchased through vouchers, credit card or through installment service cannot be refunded in cash and Third party charges will be deducted.
  • Refunding the amount collected on behalf of 3rd parties depends solely on the service provider’s Return & Exchange policies, and it requires customer providing the payment slip alongside Softland Invoice.
  • Accepting shipment from shipping company declares that the shipment (carton) is in good condition and it is sealed upon receiving.
  • The return and exchange period is calculated from the date of delivery and you must have the sealed invoice that arrived with the shipment.